Nurse With Wound were due to play in Austria, unfortunately due to bad weather Steven couldn't make it to the gig. Andrew Liles and Colin Potter were left holding the flag. Steven had prepared a special limited gig only release consisting of some of his favourite unique personal mixes of classic Nurse With Wound material under the title 'EXPERIMENTE'. This will be made available on a first come first serve basis from the shop as of now. Order yours here!
We are very pleased to announce two brand new items in our shop!
First up a beautiful new Nurse With Wound T-shirt; available in S, M, L, XL AND XXL these Gildan shirts are made from 100% cotton and are available here.
We also have a black 100% cotton record bag featuring the same design as the T-shirt. Transport your Nurse With Wound collection here!
Both T-shirt and record bag feature this wonderful new design...
Happy New Year! We have a busy year ahead featuring new releases, old releases re-imagined and live dates...
More unique Art Edition Test Pressings
We are very pleased to announce Steven has imagined another set of Art Edition Test Pressings. Each is unique and signed by Steven. These will go on sale in the BESPOKE area of the Nurse With Wound shop at 12.30 PM UK time on Saturday 20th January. We regret we cannot reserve any of these items.
New in the shop!
A split LP featuring Edward Ka-Spel / Steven Stapleton and Colin Potter / Quentin Rollet. This record reveals two new musical encounters. For the first time together, author, vocalist and keyboard player Edward Ka-Spel (Legendary Pink Dots, Tear Garden) and sound collage wizard Steven Stapleton (Nurse With Wound) offer us a 19 plus minute long piece called The Man Who Floated Away, composed and recorded in 2017. On the other side, the master of drone Colin Potter (Nurse With Wound, Monos) and French free sax player Quentin Rollet (guest with The Red Krayola, Nurse With Wound, Mendelson, David Grubbs, DRAME …) present a long suite called The Closer You Are To The Center, The Further You Are From The Edge their first collaboration ever, recorded in London in 2012, with special guest Isabelle Magnon on Australian piano. Available for pre-order here
We have also added a selection of rare items in the 'RARITIES' area of our shop. Complete your collection here!
Coming soon
> Homotopy to Marie, Rotorelief, Double LP, Silver Edition
> Homotopy to Marie, CD Art Book Version.
> 'Sinister Whimsy to the Wretched' - Double CD reissue of 'Sugar Fish Drink' and Large Ladies with cake in Oven.
> NWW/Aronos - 'Acts of Senseless Beauty' and 'Santoor Lena Bicycle' DoubleCD reissue.
Automating 5 CD Boxset Ltd Ed.
Live news
Nurse With Wound play at the Elevate Festival in Austria - details are available here
We are very pleased to announce a series of 10 vinyl test pressings to celebrate the forthcoming Nurse With Wound and The New Blockaders collaboration, 'Changez Les Blockeurs'.
Each record is housed in a numbered sleeve featuring a unique sculptured, tactile artwork by Steven Stapleton and a personalised and numbered insert featuring T.N.B manifesto, 'steps out of the space provided' by Richard Rupenus.
'Changez Les Blockeurs' will go on sale in 'BESPOKE' area of the Nurse With Wound shop at 12.30 PM UK time on Saturday 25th November 2017. We regret we cannot reserve any of these items.
The Swinging Reflective 2CD set is now available for pre sale in the Nurse With Wound shop!
Out of print for 17 years, this double CD features collaborations with Coil, Diana Rogerson, Jim O'Rourke, William Bennett, Legendary Pink Dots, Foetus, Current 93, David Tibet, Tony Wakeford, Inflatable Sideshow, Aranos, Chris Wallis/Peat Bog and Tiny Tim. Remastered with additional tracks. It is the perfect companion to the recent “SWINGING REFLECTIVE II”.
This set is packaged with all new artwork, in a heavy board, gloss laminated 6 panel digipac. The release date is October 2017. Order yours here!
Live dates
Nurse With Wound will be performing the following live dates - the Tusk festival also features an exhibition of Steven's art.
15th October: Tusk Festival, Sage, Gateshead, UK
27th October 2017: Fraternity of Sound, Athens, Greece
3rd November 2017: Industrial Festival, Wroclaw, Poland